
Green gram Sprouts Salad/ Mung Sprouts Salad/ Healthy Green gram Sprouts Salad/ Chatpati Mung Salad

Mung/Moong beans have huge benefits to offer. They are a high source of nutrients including manganese, potassium, copper, zinc, and various B vitamins. This salad is filling and has a good amount of protein I can say! One could add grated carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, and capsicum to this salad and the spices can be according to your taste. Include this salad regularly in your meals to have a balanced diet. Frankly, am not a fan of sprouts, but somehow this way, I enjoy it and I remind myself this time to provide, what my body needs, not me! 

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”  ~Thomas Edison

To Make This Recipe, You'll Need : 

Green gram Sprouts/ Mung bean Sprouts
1 Cup
1 No (Chopped)
1 No (Chopped)
Chaat Masala
½ Teaspoon
Red Chili Powder
½ Teaspoon (or) To taste
Lemon Juice
1 Teaspoon (or) To taste
To taste

Don't Eat Less, Eat Right! 

Method : 
1. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients well and serve

Enjoy your healthy salad!! 

Remember, when your body is hungry, it wants nutrients not calories all the time!!

How Did I Make My Green gram Sprouts?

1. I  soaked the cleaned and washed gram in the water overnight.
2. Next day in the morning, I drained the water completely and put them in a casserole/hot pack for about 5 hours or until you see the sprouting. (make sure there's no moisture when you put it into the hot pack dish).

Notes : 

1. One may add puffed rice, papad bits, or cornflake fryums for the kids to enjoy this healthy salad. 
2. Can use this salad in the preparations of sev puri, dry puchka chaat and salad canapes

Enjoy :)

Thank You For Visiting Blessy's  Kitchen :)

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